Summer is here! :D

& my fellow friend, a junior in school but doesn’t seem like so – posts her thoughts on summer 2013! Exactly my sentiments. Enjoy! Visit her and you’d surely enjoy 🙂

Amna Naeem


After the entire wait, exams are finally over and summer time is here. Oh, correction, vacations are here, in Pakistan we have summer for almost 9 months a year 😦 Anyways as Deez Nut’s song ‘Tonight we’re gonna party’ says: ‘Tonight we’re gonna party, like there’s no tomorrow, forget about our whoas and drown our sorrows’. Yay! The much awaited party time is here!

So everybody’s happy, thought there’s this scorching heat here in Pakistan, but everyone’s glad that they’re free. I was badly waiting for summer, firstly because there are these loads of movies I have to watch, and loads of television series I have to catch up and loads of fun that’s to come. This is going to be my best summer at least and hope same goes for all other people out there.

Reasons why summer’13 is going to be awesome:

1)      My whole family is getting…

View original post 220 more words

About Sarin

Hello there. Currently a student, finishing my O'levels, a lazy teenage Pakistani. People tend to pronounce my first name wrong which annoys me. Here's how you pronounce it :- Sir-een. I think the world is funny and awesome. I'm addicted to Ice-cream and chips and I can have Chinese at any place, any day of the year. I love people. Almost all sorts. & travelling. Rain drives me crazy (in a good sense). My friend's cat hates me and gives me evil death glares. I’m here to express myself, on a board I think is awesome, and exchange my experiences, and my thoughts on randomness, maybe? I’ll be blogging about all the random stuff and you'll have to bear it.I love talking and surprises, wrapping presents and giving them away. My existence is for a reason. I want to die happy. And till then live happy to achieve the latter. Adios.
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1 Response to Summer is here! :D

  1. amnanaeem says:

    Thank you Sarin, you’re the best! 😀

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